You've probably heard that using vapes is safer than smoking cigarettes or other tobacco products. While it is true that vapes generally contain less toxic chemicals than cigarettes (CDC, 2022), this does not mean that using vapes is safe. According to the Surgeon General (HHS, n.d.), vapes contain harmful chemicals, such as diacetyl, which is known to cause a condition called "popcorn lung," which is "scarring of the tiny air sacs in the lungs resulting in the thickening and narrowing of the airways." (ALA, 2016). Research has shown that approximately 90% of vapes contain diacetyl or pentanedione (Sweeney, 2021), which is another chemical that causes popcorn lung. This is just one of the many harmful chemicals that have been found in vapes.
Another danger with using vapes is that an individual may not know what exactly it is that they are putting into their body. One such chemical is THC, the chemical found in marijuana. Between 2013 and 2020, the percentage of school-aged youth that vaped marijuana doubled, and one of the dangers is that many of these vapes contain 3 to 5 times more THC than what is found in the marijuana plant (LaMotte, 2021). There also have been instances, in which vapes are laced with fentanyl and heroin (Volturo, 2022), and intaking fentanyl the size of a salt crystal is enough to be deadly Furthermore, approximately 99% of vapes contain nicotine (CDC, 2022). Since adolescent brains are still growing and not fully formed until around age 25, teenagers are much more likely to become addicted to nicotine (HHS, n.d.). While many argue that vapes can be used for smoking cessation, the FDA has not approved vape products for smoking cessation and evidence is inconclusive as to whether or not vapes help individuals quit smoking (CDC, 2022). Nevertheless, teenagers should refrain from using vaping knowing the dangers and risks of these products.
In response to the growing concerns about vape use among adolescents, Logansport Jr. High School has implemented the CATCH My Breath program into the health curriculum. The CATCH My Breath program is an evidence-based vaping prevention program that has been shown to reduce teen vaping by nearly 50% (CATCH, n.d.). For more information about the program, you can visit While educating youth on the importance of being tobacco-free is a key factor in preventing them from using tobacco and vape products, parents/guardians must have honest discussions with their teens about vaping. The Surgeon General has created a resource for parents called "Talk with Your Teen About E-cigarettes: A Tip Sheet for Parents" to help lead discussions regarding vaping. You can find the tip sheet here: Collaboration between our school and our parents/guardians is vital to ensure the health and safety of our students. With your help, we can help keep our students safe and create positive change within our community here in Logansport!